"Ayurveda has been serving as an in-depth solution to health-related issues for ages. This ancient Indian science of health and wellbeing deals with the symptoms and goes beyond that."

"The study recognizes and acknowledges one's individuality and deals with the problem to its core."

"In a world where we are constantly bombarded with synthetic chemicals and quick fixes, Ayurveda offers a holistic and sustainable approach to skincare. By embracing this ancient wisdom, millennials and GenZ are rediscovering the importance of self-care and taking a more mindful approach to beauty."

Ayurveda's approach to Herbal Cosmetology

A Dive into Ayurvedic Doshas

Traditional Ayurvedic writings discuss a variety of topics related to food, including the diversity of natural sources, their characteristics in connection to seasons and locations, and their specialized function in both physiological and pathological states.

Ayurveda has a radically different epistemic view of health and nutrition than biomedicine and contemporary nutrition.

The five senses—smell, taste, vision, touch, and sound—are divided into the earth, water, fire, air, and space categories, and each element's description corresponds to one of these five senses.

This is a cornerstone of Indian knowledge traditions in general. The five elements are further divided into three groups in Ayurveda, known as the tridosa-vata (a combination of space and air), Pitta (fire), and Kapha, to make physiological and pathological aspects easier to understand (water and earth).

Many permutations and combinations of these components and the tri dosha in the body are used to understand the body and mental kinds, metabolic processes, biological rhythm, seasonal fluctuations, and other physiological and pathological processes, etc.

Vata Dosha

The Vata Dosha controls all bodily motion. Usually, it is located below the navel in the lower abdominal area.

Vata controls all natural desires like hunger, thirst, urination, excretion, sleep, etc. It aids in the smooth operation of functions like respiration as well as the maintenance of the health of Dhatus or tissues.

The heart, muscle contractions, blood flow, and communication between the brain and the rest of the body via the nervous system are all made possible by vata.

Pitta Dosha

The body's metabolism and the efficient operation of the digestive system are controlled by the Pitta Dosha.

It is thought to be in the upper abdomen area above the navel.

Pitta, the fire element, maintains a healthy body temperature. It produces body shine and intellect. It controls emotions and experiences since it is connected to metamorphosis.

Kapha Dosha

The kapha dosha gives the body strength, vitality, and immunity. It is thought to be near the chest.

It can guarantee the bodily structure's strength and stability. Because it contains water, it hydrates the tissues and cells. It keeps the skin hydrated as well. It provides joint lubrication, enabling healthy joint movement.

Reasons behind Dosha imbalance

Good health is ensured when the Doshas are in balance. Regardless of the cause, it might alter the balance when one of the Doshas becomes vitiated. There may be a direct impact on health.

Any Dosha that has become vitiated will become overactive, resulting in certain symptoms or medical issues. The disturbance is particular and may differ from one person to another. Let's examine the effects of a vitiation in any one of these Doshas.

Dosha imbalance can occur for a number of reasons, such as:

  1. Improper diet, in which the foods consumed go against the dominant Dosha.
  2. Inappropriate everyday habits caused by poor lifestyle management.
  3. Anxiety or trauma-causing stress and tension.


Hair has been considered one’s extension of beauty for centuries. As per Acharya Sharngadhar, the hair on one’s scalp and body are an extension of the neurological system known as Majja Dhatu.

However, poor diet and health can lead to hair problems like hair loss, hair thinning, balding, and dandruff.

Bhrajaka Pitta quotes Indralupta (alopecia) and Khalitya (hair fall) as the two main issues with hair.

Baldness occurs from the degeneration and complete shut-down of hair follicles caused by the Kapha dosha and rakta (fire) dhatu. According to experts, excessive hair loss caused by vata is known as Khalitya, and it causes a person to experience burning on their scalp. They may also experience excessive sweating caused by Pitta, and their scalps may thicken as a result of Kapha.

Ayurveda holds that a person’s general health impacts their skin, and it recommends a variety of skin care procedures that should be followed at every stage of life.

In Kshudra roga chikitsa (literature for treatment of minor diseases), Sushruta, in his Sushruta Samhita, has mentioned skin problems like Arumsika (Eczema), Vyanga (black spot), Yauvana Pidika (pimples and acne) which directly result from dosha imbalance.

Problems like skin dryness and dehydration lines are a result of vata dosha, while skin puffiness and discoloration result from Kapha and Pitta dosha.

The organic, natural, and chemical-free revolution has made it more important than ever for ayurvedic doctors to keep up with the expanding demands of the beauty industry. 

Along with panchakarma treatments, ayurvedic facials are now a requirement in any ayurvedic clinic. With the application of natural wellness products topically, the magic of Ayurveda can treat your facial skin to an astronomical level.

Our Bhasma-incorporated products of different minerals maintain and address problems with facial skin when combined with the various raw ingredients used in facials. 

Moreover, we focus on the traditional Art of combining herbs and skin care. This frees the final product from sulfates and harmful chemicals added as bases and fragrant.

As per Ayurvedic literature, there are 5 major ways to infuse herbs into a wellness product for skin and health care. 

  1. Infusion: In infusion, medicinal herbs are steeped in hot water, oil, or honey to extract the juices from the herbs to form a concoction. The resulting liquid is then used as a topical remedy for skin and hair care.

  2. Decoctions: To make a decoction, boil the herb and water together.

  3. Extract and Tincture: Extract is often made using an alcoholic hydro-solvent, whereas tinctures are made with an alcoholic solvent with a high alcohol content.

  4. Flower Water: Flower water is prepared similarly to an infusion. You can use the exact same herbal and water preparation. The solvent in flower water is permitted to remain in contact with the flowers overnight, unlike infusion, which does not. Flower water can also be made with essence (essential oil) and purified water.

  5. Oil-Soluble Extract: The herbs are combined with petroleum or ether to make the oil-soluble extract. Overnight, the plant is submerged in water. A water combination is added to an oil-filled vessel, which is heated until all the water has been extracted. After the oil has cooled, it is filtered. This is how the oil-soluble component of the herb enters the oil.

Make an Appoinment

Herbly's Ritualss embraces the power of natural ingredients and Ayurvedic wisdom to offer customized, plant-based skincare solutions that promote healthy and radiant skin. Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and experience the transformative benefits of our herbal cosmetology products today!

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